Presentations and posters will be solicited on theoretical, observational, laboratory and numerical modelling studies of cloud and precipitation physics, aerosol and cloud chemistry and cloud dynamics in the following specific areas:
- Aerosol-cloud-precipitation-radiation interactions and processing
- Aerosol-cloud-precipitation-radiation interactions and processing - 2
- Applications of cloud and precipitation physics
- Basic cloud and precipitation physics
- Cirrus clouds
- Cloud electricity
- Clouds and climate (including radiative properties of clouds)
- Clouds and high impact weather
- Clouds and remote sensing
- Convective clouds
- Effects of COVID-19 pandemic on clouds, precipitation and cloud-aerosol interactions
- Fog and visibility
- Laboratory, wind tunnel and cloud chamber studies of microphysical processes
- Measurement techniques (of cloud and precipitation properties) and their uncertainties
- Mesoscale cloud systems
- Mixed phase clouds
- Monsoon clouds and precipitation
- Orographic clouds
- Polar clouds
- Primary and secondary ice and cloud condensation nuclei
- Secondary Ice Production
- Tropical clouds
- Turbulence mixing and entrainment
- Warm clouds
- Weather modification